
Information Technology: What it is?

If you are a high school student or have recently finished school and are now looking for higher education, it is natural that you have doubts. After all, there are many options of courses that are on the rise, as is the case of Information Technology.

Those who like to develop new things and deal with technology may also be interested in courses such as Information Systems, Computer Science, and Software Engineering.

In this post, we will focus on explaining about Information Technology, presenting everything you need to know about the course. Read on!

What is Information Technology?

Information Technology (IT) is part of the so-called professions of the future, because this area tends to expand a lot due to the evolution of computing and digital resources,

It is an area of knowledge whose professionals are trained to work in companies, using technology as their main work tool.

Thus, through the knowledge of technological resources, the IT area serves as a support for the execution of activities in other company departments. The sectors of accounting, planning, production of goods, design, press, and media productions, in general, are some examples of those that can count on the support of the Information Technology professional.

Information Technology: what does it do?

In the past, it was common for the IT professional to have a more operational profile and to be remembered only when a problem occurred with the company’s systems. However, this reality no longer matches the current reality of the business environment.

IT is increasingly seen as a strategic sector that can contribute to the overall development of an organization. In addition, there are several functions that can be performed by a professional with a degree in Information Technology.

Information Technology Management: salary

When we talk about the IT professional’s salary, it is necessary to consider the moment in his/her career and the type of position he/she holds. This is because it is very common for organizations to have career plans and policies that cause salaries to grow over time.

Below, we present some of the main positions that can be held by an IT graduate and their respective salaries. Take a look!

Database administrator

This is the professional responsible for the electronic information stored in companies’ software. He or she also implements and manages Big Data tools in organizations. The average salary ranges from R$2,400 to R$8,200.

Network Administrator

He or she is responsible for keeping everything involving the use of the internet and intranet in organizations running smoothly. Salaries vary between R$1,660 and R$10,000.

Information Architect

This is the professional responsible for designing the structure of websites, software, databases, among other technological resources. Monthly earnings can range from R$2,800 to R$10,500.

E-commerce analyst

This is one of the most popular fields in IT today. The professional develops e-commerce systems for small and large chains. Salaries for this position range from $2,900 to $15,000.

Web developer

The web developer or programmer is the professional who transforms codes recognized only by computers, so that they can be interpreted by anyone. To do this, they use languages such as C, PHP and .NET. The salary ranges from R$1,600 to R$9,300.

Information security analyst

This professional is responsible for developing and monitoring security systems that prevent criminal attacks or leaks in companies’ electronic systems. Their monthly salaries range from R$2,100 to R$9,000.

Information Technology Course

In most educational institutions, the Information Technology course is classified as a technologist, and can be completed in only two years. Although the training is fast, it is an area that is constantly changing and, therefore, the professional must always seek updates during the course of his career.

As far as the curriculum is concerned, the IT course has subjects that involve areas such as programming and the exact sciences. In addition, there are also subjects with a managerial and strategic focus.

Cut score for Information Technology

If you want to study Information Technology using your Enem score to get a scholarship, you should be interested in knowing what is the cutoff score for this college, right?

This depends a lot on the educational institution where you want to take the course, because the cutoff score varies from one location to another. In the case of Fies, the cut-off grade usually varies between 450 and 601.

Those who wish to enter university through Sisu need a slightly higher score, usually ranging between 653 and 657.

Now you know a little more about Information Technology and how promising this career can be for you. So, if this is your wish, study hard and guarantee a good classification in the vestibulars!

Are you interested in IT? Then you might also like to know more about Information Systems. See more information right now in our post on the subject.